Enviromental Issues

The place where we live is the only that we have, and it's a planet called Earth, but the human being and their attempt to get more and more, this need has made us look for things that are easier and cheaper to get, something that not always is the best to long-rage as we can now see. Our environment is everyday more sick, with all the things that we are made in centuries, we are getting in a era in which we can see the result of generations of...

Gender Issues

Eating Disorders What are they? An eating disorder is a clinical diagnosis that may be made when strange thinking about food and eating increases to the point where it affects your life. People that suffer this disorder, become extremely worried and concerned about the appearance of their body and their weight and look “fat” or with excess weight.  They can include severe overeating or not consuming enough food to stay healthy.  This...

Gender Issues

Gender discrimination: Gender discrmination refers to the practice of denying rights to a person , based  on their gender. It is most frequented inside some religions that embrace as a dogma, or in societies that has the macho-behavior as a model. Most of the time women are the principal affected, denying them the same opportunities that are provides to men. Below, there is a list of the principal’s types of gender discrimination: -Discrimination...

Gender Issues

Women’s rights: You may think, that in the technological and advanced world that we live the women’s rights are obeyed and that women are treated like an equal  , and if this exist is only in Arabic -  Muslim  country , but is not. Next, there is a list with the most common not- obeyed rights:  -They are refused access to education and political participation. -They are forced to get married as children...

Gender Issues

Domestic Violence:  It could be defined as any type or abuse or violence’s acts against   one (or more) members of the family core; it occurs when one person in the relationship tries to dominate and maintain total control over you. The abuser will use any kind of intimidation to keep you under his or her control, could use:  shame, guilt, hits, insults, or keep you away from the rest of your family. Is important to remember that...

Poverty in the World

When we talk about poverty, what we want to say? According to the Cambridge Dictionary is "a lack of something or when the quality of something is extremely low". In our world, that word have been use for years, specially in the final century, when the globalization has been helping us showing what happen in the other part of the world. Poverty is one of the most important social issues in the actuality, mainly because it is in every part of...


Crime and the justice system The federal prison system has been unable to keep up with the steady increase of inmates over the past few years, causing major overcrowding. In the year 2012, the overcrowding level was 41 percent above "rated capacity" and was the highest level since 2004                                            ...