Gender Issues

Domestic Violence:  It could be defined as any type or abuse or violence’s acts against   one (or more) members of the family core; it occurs when one person in the relationship tries to dominate and maintain total control over you. The abuser will use any kind of intimidation to keep you under his or her control, could use:  shame, guilt, hits, insults, or keep you away from the rest of your family. Is important to remember that it is not a phenomenon only related to low-social classes, it happens in every stratum


There are factors that provide an explanation of this phenomenon, but never a reason that justify it:

-Historical reason: Trough the History, societies have been controlled by Men , generating a “Macho behavior”, which  has its cause behind the economical role of the man in the relationship, like the supplier.

-Our life’s style:  Nowadays, violence is present in everywhere; everything demands a competition among people, for get a job, to buy something, even go to the subway; so, this model has taught to people that violence is the better way to achieve your goals. 


Most of the time, people,  think that physique violence is the only type, but is not. Following there are the most common types:

-Physique abuse: The most evident of all, it causes damages in the body of the abused, and it could end in the dead of he/she.

-Sexual abuse: When the abuser forces the abused to have sexual relations without the consent of her/him.

-Monetary Abuse: Is happens when the abuser is the economical supplier in the relation, and he/she denies giving money to cover the necessities, like pay the bills. And, in that way force the abused (which is not an economical role) to forgive all these l abuse
-Psychological Abuse: The less obvious, but one of the most harmful, which damages the self-esteem of the abused, and leave deep scars.


There are several signs that have to make you alert of your relationship”. The most common in fear of your partner . So, I invite you to answer the following questions to know if you are in an abuse relationship:

Do you:

-feel afraid of your partner much of the time?

-feel that you can’t do anything right for your partner?

-feel emotionally numb or helpless? 

Does your partner:

-humiliate or yell at you?

-ignore or put down your opinions or accomplishments?

-see you as property or a sex object, rather than as a person?

-have a bad and unpredictable temper?

If most of the answers are yes, you are probably in this kind of relationship, and you have to pay attention of your partner’s behavior, especially if there are children involved. And go to the organizations that help abused people.

Finally, we must to pay attention to the following cycle, which shows the abuser’s behavior; and which can be summarized in three basic stages:

Tension accumulation:

-The abuser’s behavior turns aggressive  against the partner , making  usual to throw  and break things.

-The verbal and Psychological abuse increase, and could culminate in physical damages.

-The abuse starts to feel responsible for the abuse, feel guilty.  

Acute episode of violence:

-There is the needed to vent the accumulate tensions

-The abuser chooses the time, place and the way that he/she will use to concrete his/her abuse. 

Episode of repentance

-It is characterized by a period of calm, non-violent and tokens of love and affection

-The abuser gives to the abused the hope of a change in his/her personality , make the promise of seek help

After a while, the cycle starts again
