Crime and the justice system
The federal prison system has been unable to keep up with the steady increase of inmates over the past few years, causing major overcrowding. In the year 2012, the overcrowding level was 41 percent above "rated capacity" and was the highest level since 2004
Hate crimes
Hate crimes are a growing issue especially in school settings because of the young populations that exist. The majority of victims and perpetrators are teenagers and young adults, the population that exists within educational institutes. Hate crimes can take shape in physical or sexual assaults or harassment, verbal harassment, robbery, or even death. The lasting effects of hate crimes can result in mental illness and disorders such as depression, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, etc. The issue is a social problem because it is widespread and affects much of our communities and the individuals who do not fit the norm.
Terrorism makes it apparent that there is not social harmony in society. "Terrorists" have values outside of the mainstream, who do not agree with the running of the country, which can be an issue when people's opinions are not listened to.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable" JFK.